Chemangat primary school

In 2018, Chemangat Primary School was established, providing the youngest members of the community with accessible education within walking distance. However, operationalizing and sustaining the school proved challenging. Financial difficulties led to a significant decline in the number of students, ultimately necessitating the closure of the school.

The community deeply felt the loss resulting from the school’s closure. Reopening the school has become one of our top priorities. Beyond the primary goal of ensuring education access for all, this presents an opportunity to build trust in the community. Establishing this trust is crucial for the success of our other support projects.

As a result, we have decided to reopen the school. Essential teaching materials, including books, notebooks, pens, and colored pencils, have been procured. We have appointed four teachers, hired a security guard and a cook, and established a cooking facility to provide daily meals for the children and teachers.

Within two months, the school is now fully operational. Over 100 students are currently receiving education in the first five classes. 

The water supply for the school, which relied on rainwater harvesting, was found to be damaged. We have since been able to repair it. Now, after the next substantial rainfall, there is no longer a need to transport water daily. The school is once again self-sufficient in terms of water.


As a primary teacher at Chemangat, within the nurturing umbrella of the Giving Wings organization, I’ve witnessed the transformative power of education firsthand. Our school is dedicated to providing a high level of education, not just in terms of academic excellence, but also in fostering a holistic development approach for our students.

The Giving Wings organization’s support has been instrumental in enhancing our educational endeavors. It’s not just about teaching subjects; it’s about nurturing young minds, empowering them with knowledge, and instilling values that will shape them into compassionate and responsible individuals.

Our students are not only eager to learn but also have an incredible willingness to support their community. They understand the value of education in improving their lives and the lives of those around them. Through various initiatives and projects, they showcase their dedication to making a positive impact in our society.

By emphasizing education, we believe in creating a ripple effect that extends far beyond the classroom walls. When children receive a quality education, they not only enhance their own prospects but also contribute significantly to the development and progress of their community. They become agents of change, spreading knowledge, and influencing positive transformations.

The impact of education on society is profound. It’s not just about individual growth; it’s about elevating the standard of living, breaking cycles of poverty, and fostering a more inclusive and prosperous society. With the support of Giving Wings and our collective commitment as educators, we are empowering these young minds to become catalysts for positive change, ultimately creating a brighter future for everyone.

Judy and the three teachers of the school.

the orphans on our school.