“Welcome to Giving Wings – Empowering Sigowet soin zone. Future! We are a non-profit foundation committed to improving the lives of dairy farmers in Sigowet soon zone. Our mission is to increase the income potential of farmers through sustainable strategies, training and market access, while providing quality education accessible through our primary school. Join us in building thriving dairy communities and nurturing the next generation. Discover our initiatives, impact and how you can get involved to make a difference in Kericho.”


Our mission is to improve the income potential of farmers in the Sigowet . by implementing sustainable strategies and providing comprehensive support to increase their earning potential. In addition, we are committed to facilitating education by establishing and operating a primary school to increase access to quality education.


Our vision is to strengthen and improve the livelihoods of dairy farmers in Sigowet , enabling them to build thriving and prosperous dairy farming communities. We believe in the importance of education as a cornerstone of development and are committed to providing quality education through our primary school initiative to empower the local community.


Our objectives are aimed at promoting sustainable development in Sigowet and include: Improving Farm Productivity:

We strive to improve dairy farmer productivity through training, resources and technical assistance. At the same time, we are committed to quality education at our primary school to prepare the young generation for a better future.

Strengthening market access: We work to create market connections and improve market access for dairy farmers.

Promoting sustainable agricultural practices: Sustainability remains at the core of our efforts. We strive to promote environmentally and socially responsible agricultural practices.

Facilitating financial support: We understand the importance of financial access for both farmers and students. That is why we are committed to facilitating financial support for farmers and providing affordable education to the local community.

By establishing and operating a primary school alongside our agricultural initiatives, we are strengthening our commitment to holistic development and community building in Sigowet . Together, we strive to create a prosperous, resilient community where farmers and students alike can thrive.